more_vert Gated School Districts

Our current school funding system often bolsters school district boundaries between rich and poor, holding resources in wealthy communities and keeping low-income students from accessing broader opportunities.

more_vert stranded

The vast majority of states leave school district mergers up to local districts, and even the states that have the power to step in do so only under the direst of circumstances, leaving students stranded in underfunded school systems.

more_vert Building Equity: Fairness in Property Tax Effort for Education

Much of school funding comes from local property taxes. In this report, EdBuild examines whether these taxes are imposed in fair and equitable ways, at rates that match each community's ability to pay.

more_vert Making Change

Every policy that increases funding equity, though it improves the overall picture, leaves some voters worse off. This report explores the stories of three states that beat the odds.

more_vert School District Borders in the United States

Our current school funding system often bolsters school district boundaries between rich and poor, holding resources in wealthy communities and keeping low-income students from accessing broader opportunities.

more_vert Lotteries as School Funding: The Game is Rigged

There's a problem with using lottery revenue to supplement education funding.​